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Our Location:
Delhi, India
Airport Information:
Name: Indira Gandhi International Airport (VIDP)
Elevation: 777 ft.
Runways: 10/28, 9/27, 11/29
Yearly Ops: 23,970,000 Passengers
METAR: VIDP 270630Z 15006KT 3500 DU NSC 40/11 Q1001 NOSIG
PIREP (Pilot Report):
Left Karachi Airport half hour ago and climbed to FL 250. No problems once we got on the ramp. Before that was a maze of red tape. Started at five am, had light breakfast and headed to airport. No one there to meet us so persuaded young man with shirt of some type official to help us find FBO office. Through a series of security gates to FBO office. Got updated flight plan and weather over India which we studied for a few minutes. Then followed FBO officer through more security check points. At each point were joined by more senior officials until we had a contingent of over six. Went through no fewer than five metal detectors. At one point they were not going to clear us because we had no crew cards. Finally accepted my FAA license which is on a plastic card. Next time Irish Express (the name of my company that officially owns Q) will have crew cards made. The takeaway is that these places do not encounter pilots doing this sort of thing and you therefore need to fit into their experience with the airlines.
Security at the airport very tight. Many machine guns, some mounted on cars and behind towers. When we were loading our luggage in Q, had a guard with machine gun standing next to us. Somehow did not feel more secure. Country's fight with the Taliban seems to be heating up. Local TV last night had nothing else but this story. We are now about 100 miles east of Swat Valley where all the action is. Good the Taliban does not have an air force.
Yesterday because of security issues decided to not tour and stayed in hotel. Had got in late in any event because lost two hours on the clock crossing the Arabian Sea and because of delays in getting fuel on the ramp after we landed. Seems that refueling guys had been told we would need 10,000 gallons of jet fuel. Since Q only holds 170 gallons, had a sizable discrepancy to deal with. I think we got it sorted out but not entirely sure that I wasn't charged for 10,000 gallons and have credit for 9,830 gallons which I can pick up on my next 50 times through Pakistan.
A note about flight planning. Have settled into a workable routine. Take materials with us from Q to hotel and each evening carefully study three things: the departure plates for the place where we are(these show direction of flight away from airport and also give instruction regarding start up, contacting ground control/tower, and any special taxi instructions), the charts (air maps showing the waypoints that we expect to be assigned based on preliminary planning done for us by Skyplan- note the reference to charts and not maps since air terminology copied from maritime terms), and arrival plates for the terminal at destination. The next morning we get copy of flight plan that regional air traffic has accepted as well as weather reports. Make a 'go-no go decision. If go, to the plane and get clearances from airport controllers.
One last note. When we finally got to the plane this morning saw that Q had decided to wear a black veil. Had to tell her that false piety would not excuse her for her past misdeeds - Mike
Local Info:

Population: 11,954,217, India: 1,147,995,904
Landmarks: Indira Gandhi International Airport
Currency: Rupee
Links: Delhi Travel Info