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Our Location:
Okinawa, Japan
Airport Information:
Name: Naha Airport (ROAH)
Elevation: 12 ft.
Runways: 18/36 (9,843 ft.)
Yearly Ops: 14,495,054 Passengers
METAR: ROAH 030430Z 17019KT 9999 FEW012 BKN090 29/23 Q1002
PIREP (Pilot Report):
Left Taipei at 9;30 this morning. Okinawa ground crew had requested a delay in our normal 8am departure because of a shortage in handling personnel We were stationed at a place on the tarmac immediately adjacent to our departure runway so no difficulty in taxiing. Flight to Okinawa without any trouble. Brought us in low over the water. Felt like we were on a bombing run. Had two F15's land just ahead of us. Entire squadron on the field. Japanese Air Force. John says we sold F15's to only Israel and Japan. Q has decided to stay on the porch and not run with these dogs.
Taipei was enjoyable. Met a very nice and professional handler at the FBO. His picture on our website he is following the flight. Hello to you, your wife and your new son.
We toured the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial and then went to the museum with many ancient Chinese pieces. We were walking but when it started to rain and we discovered we were directionally challenged, decided to take a taxi. Had, for this trip, a common experience. I walked to the window of the driver and showed him the map, pointed to where we wanted to go and asked if he knew the this place. A vigorous nod yes and we were off. After achieving near orbital speed he turned to look at us and ask 'Where you go?' After more pointing at map, hand signals and finally the standard repeating myself with an ever louder voice (on the theory that the problem may not be a facility with English language, it may be bad hearing), all ended well.
Had an early dinner at nice Chinese restaurant. Had a couple singing American tunes. Another constant on the trip; everyone seems to like Western music. Cab driver in Hanoi had his cell programmed to a ring tone of Carpenter song. Another cab driver yesterday was playing classical music: Vivaldiās Three Ring Trilogy set for the piccolo 25th movement.
Getting lots of new vectors from the Japanese controllers so will end for now-Mike
Local Info:

Population: 1,379,338, Japan: 127,433,494
Landmarks: Naha Airport
Currency: Yen
Links: Okinawa Travel Info