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Our Location:
Quebec, Canada
Airport Information:
Name: Québec City Jean Lesage International Airport
Elevation: 244 ft.
Runways: 6/24, 12/30
Yearly Ops: 125,466
PIREP (Pilot Report):
The journey has begun. Now at 27,000 feet over Lake Huron headed to Quebec City. Conditions smooth, clear below. Left in light rain at 6:30am. Bittersweet moment; good to start a trip dreamed of for years but will be away from Janice for longest time in 45 years. Hope her heart grows even fonder with the absence. Plan to refuel in QC after clearing customs, have something to eat, and then proceed to Goose Bay. Will stay night in GB and, weather permitting on to Greenland. The real nature of this trip will come to life when we head out over the North Atlantic. If all goes as planned, will spend tomorrow night in Iceland.
Q is running like a top. Loaded with all manner of survival equipment: four man life raft(room for me and John plus two pirates), extra radios, extra GPS, survival suits (will send pictures of this since we will resemble orange seals). Enough peanut butter and raisins to last a month, and an Illini ballcap.
John has a camera with a capacity of 1100 pictures; so far has taken 975. An early bout of enthusiasm. Actually John is quite cool and on his game. wouldn't have even thought about this trip solo; too many airborne decisions to make without backup judgment. Now in Canadian airspace so will sign off and be practicing my "eh's." - Mike
Local Info:
Population: 7,750,504
Landmarks: Visit Quebec!
Currency: Canadian Dollar
Links: Wikipedia